Essam Wisam

Essam Wisam

Research Assistant


Essam is a research assistant at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). He graduated from Cairo University with a BSc in Computer Engineering in 2023 at the top of his class and finds great interest in both conducting research and writing high-quality software.

Prior to graduation, Essam participated as a contributor in Google Summer of Code under the Julia Language organization. Following graduation, he served as a deep learning intern at Dstny Engage before joining DFKI as a research assistant. Simultaneously, Essam shares his expertise as a teaching assistant at Cairo University, focusing specifically on machine learning. Essam also likes to occasionally write scientific articles about machine learning on Towards DataScience.

Essam’s favorite quote is “Good things take time” by John Wooden.

  • Natural language processing
  • Classical machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Data science for social good
  • BSc in Computer Engineering, 2018-2023

    Cairo University